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Introducing Bilingual Bebe’s new online after-school programs: Classes de CP et CE1

Introducing Bilingual Bebe’s new online after-school programs: Classes de CP et CE1

Le CP et le CE1 chez Bilingual Bebe:

Le CP – Kindergarten in the US – is a very important stage for a child. It is a direct path to autonomy.
Your child will learn to read, write and count on their own!

At Bilingual Bebe we are now opening CP and CE1 programs (in addition to our preschool programs) for your child to learn to read, write and count in French

French After-School Curriculum:

Here is a snapshot of our CP curriculum:

The goal for the year will be to learn to read but also “understand what I read”.
We encourage daily reading (letters, syllables, words, sentences and then text). Same as an athlete training for a competition, it’s all about training and repetition! Students will discover and learn one sound per week.

We use the syllabic method (méthode syllabique). The strong academic component ensures that children will learn one sound per week throughout stories and text that make sense to them and are easy to understand. 

They’ll learn new vocabulary at every session throughout weekly themes. During each session we encourage a lot of interactions around story time and activities in connection with the themes.

As far as Math is concerned, many skills are expected at the end of CP: counting to 100, comparing, sorting, problem solving, measuring (meters, centimeters), weighing (kilogrammes, grammes), calculating etc. We follow the French National Education programs (les programmes français de l’éducation nationale).

It is important to note that children will each have their own rhythm. What matters is regularity in learning and most importantly learning in a playful and engaging environment.  
