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Is it safe?

Having your trust and keeping your child safe is our first priority. All teachers are background checked and vetted before interacting with children. This includes running their finger prints against US Federal databases and in all 50 states.

Yes, each parent/child will have their own dedicated teacher that they can reach out to and communicate with should they have any questions via our online platform. Your child will belong to one class with the same classmates.


In the full immersion program, all your classes will be held in French/English or Spanish with a native teacher.


In the dual language classroom, your teacher will alternate between the second language (French/Spanish…) and English. These classrooms are designated for beginner students that do not understand the second language yet.


We make sure to group children by proficiency level and by age group for them to benefit fully from the program.


Bilingual Bebe is an online bilingual school providing children more than just language classes. Our virtual programs are designed to engage preschool and elementary school-aged children through fun and interactive lessons and activities. Your child will enjoy many of the same experiences they would have in an in-person school setting. They’ll get introduced to the culture, to reading and writing all while learning the language. Your child is part of a class with a dedicated teacher and other children their age and ability, where they will interact and engage with one another. Our teachers are certified experts with a minimum of 2 years of experience as a teacher.


Yes! At Bilingual Bebe, we only hire experienced childhood educators and we make sure that our groups are kept to a maximum of 5 kids (4 kids for younger groups) which allows our teachers to give their attention to each and everyone. Children interact with one another as well. They’re having so much fun that one of our parents most popular feedback is that time actually flies by!


Among the many proven benefits of bilingualism, research has shown that bilingual children tend to be more creative thinkers as bilingualism shapes the brain capability to think outside the box. Brain functions stay sharper as they age. Bilingualism has a positive effect on intellectual growth and enhances a child’s mental development. In addition, bilingual children are predisposed to enjoy better cognitive skills. At school, children speaking another language perform better in academic tests. Their brain is kept active, alert and sharp to strike a balance when handling different tasks.
