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200+ Easy Spanish Words for Kids [+ Tips on How to Memorize Vocabulary Quickly]


¡Hola! If you’re a parent looking to introduce your child to the Spanish language, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled a list of 200+ Spanish words perfect for kids aged 3-15!

From basic nouns like “casa” (house) and “perro” (dog) to more advanced phrases like “¿Cuántos años tienes?” (How old are you?) these words and phrases will kickstart your child’s Spanish immersion.

But learning basic words and phrases is only half the battle – actually memorizing AND retaining the information requires a bit more practice and effort. That’s why we’ve also included tips on how to memorize vocabulary quickly and easily.

Whether you’re a native Spanish speaker looking to teach your child your language or simply want to give your child a head start in learning a second language, get ready to expand your child’s vocabulary and have some fun along the way!

Easy Spanish Words – Basic Conversation and Greetings

In a basic Spanish-language conversation, there are certain words and phrases that come up often. Here are some easy Spanish words and phrases to get your child started:

  • “Hola” – Hello
  • “Buenos días” – Good day/Good morning
  • “Buenas tardes” – Good afternoon
  • “Buenas noches” – Good evening/night
  • “Adiós” – Goodbye
  • “¿Cómo estás?” – How are you?
  • “Muy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?” – Very good, thanks. And you?
  • “Estoy bien.” – I am well.
  • “Estoy mal.” – I’m not doing well.
  • “Mucho gusto.” – Nice to meet you.
  • “Cómo te llamas? – What is your name?
  • “Me llamo _____ “- My name is _____.
  • “Hasta luego.” – See you later.
  • “Hasta mañana.” – See you tomorrow.
  • “Buena suerte.” – Good luck.
  • “Gracias” – Thank you.
  • “De nada” – You’re welcome.
  • “Por favor” – Please
  • “Lo siento.” – I’m sorry.
  • “Sí” – Yes
  • “No” – No

Easy Spanish Words – Colors

Colors are some of the easiest Spanish words for kids to learn. Here are some simple Spanish words for colors that you can teach your children:

  • “Azul” – Blue
  • “Rojo” – Red
  • “Amarillo” – Yellow
  • “Verde” – Green
  • “Morado” – Purple
  • “Naranja” – Orange
  • “Rosa” – Pink
  • “Marrón” – Brown
  • “Blanco” – White
  • “Negro” – Black
  • “Gris” – Grey
  • “Dorado” – Dorado
  • “Plateado” – Silver

Easy Spanish Words – Numbers

Numbers in Spanish are also very easy to learn. Here are the Spanish words for numbers that you can teach your kids today:

  • “Uno” – 1
  • “Dos” – 2
  • “Tres” – 3
  • “Cuatro” – 4
  • “Cinco” – 5
  • “Seis” – 6
  • “Siete” – 7
  • “Ocho” – 8
  • “Nueve” – 9
  • “Diez” – 10
  • “Once” – 11
  • “Doce” – 12
  • “Trece” – 13
  • “Catorce” – 14
  • “Quince” – 15
  • “Dieciséis” – 16
  • “Diecisiete” – 17
  • “Dieciocho” – 18
  • “Diecinueve” – 19
  • “Veinte” – 20
  • “Veintiuno” – 21
  • “Veintidós” – 22
  • “Veintitrés” – 23
  • “Veinticuatro” – 24
  • “Veinticinco” – 25
  • “Veintiséis” – 26
  • “Veintisiete” – 27
  • “Veintiocho” – 28
  • “Veintinueve” – 29
  • “Treinta” – 30
  • “Treinta y uno” – 31
  • “Treinta y dos” – 32
  • “Treinta y tres” – 33
  • “Treinta y cuatro” – 34
  • “Treinta y cinco” – 35
  • “Cuarenta” – 40
  • “Cincuenta” – 50
  • “Sesenta” – 60
  • “Setenta” – 70
  • “Ochenta” – 80
  • “Noventa” – 90
  • “Cien” – 100
  • “Doscientos” – 200
  • “Trescientos” – 300
  • “Cuatrocientos” – 400
  • “Quinientos” – 500
  • “Seiscientos” – 600
  • “Setecientos” – 700
  • “Ochocientos” – 800
  • “Novecientos” – 900
  • “Mil” – 1000

Here also are some common Spanish phrases that involve numbers:

  • “¿Cuánto cuesta?” – How much does it cost?
  • “¿Cuántos hay?” – How many are there?
  • “¿Cuántos años tienes?” – How old are you?
  • “Tengo diez años.” – I am ten years old.
  • “Tengo veinte años.” – I am twenty years old.

Easy Spanish Words – Days of the Week

Days of the week can be easy to teach and use when your kid is learning Spanish. Here is a list of the days of the week in Spanish:

  • “¿Cuál es el día de hoy?” – What is the day today?
  • “El lunes” – Monday
  • “El martes” – Tuesday
  • “El miércoles” – Wednesday
  • “El jueves” – Thursday
  • “El viernes” – Friday
  • “El sábado” – Saturday
  • “El domingo” – Sunday

Easy Spanish Words – Months of the Year

The months of the year in Spanish are also relatively easy to learn. Here is a list of the months in Spanish:

  • “enero” – January
  • “febrero” – February
  • “marzo”- March
  • “abril” – April
  • “mayo” – May
  • “junio” – June
  • “julio” – July
  • “agosto” – August
  • “septiembre” – September
  • “octubre” – October
  • “noviembre” – November
  • “diciembre” -December

Easy Spanish Words – Seasons

With only four words to memorize, seasons are also a great way to help your child learn some basic Spanish words.

  • “El verano” – Summer
  • “El otoño” – Autumn/Fall
  • “El invierno” – Winter
  • “La primavera” – Spring

Easy Spanish Words – Family Members

Learning the words for family members can be an excellent way for your child to start speaking Spanish with you and the rest of your family. Here are some examples of common family words:

  • “La familia” – family
  • “El padre” – father
  • “La madre” – mother
  • “El hijo” – son
  • “La hija” – daughter
  • “La abuela” – grandmother
  • “El abuelo” – grandfather
  • “La hermana” – sister
  • “El hermano” – brother
  • “La tía” – aunt
  • “El tío” – uncle
  • “El primo” – cousin (male)
  • “La prima” – cousin (female)

Easy Spanish Words – Body Parts

Body parts are another great place to start, as they are easy to point out and help children understand. Here are some keywords:

  • “El cuerpo” – body
  • “La cabeza ” – head
  • “La oreja” – ear
  • “Los ojos” – eyes
  • “La boca” – mouth
  • “La nariz” – nose
  • “Los pies” – feet
  • “La mano” – hand
  • “El cuello” – neck
  • “El dedo”-  finger
  • “El pelo” – hair
  • “El brazo” – arm
  • “La pierna” – leg

Easy Spanish Words – Food and Drinks

Given your child is likely to eat at least three times a day, integrating Spanish lessons to teach the words for food and drinks is a great way to give them plenty of repetition. Here are some easy Spanish vocabulary words for food and drinks:

  • “Es hora de comer” – It’s time to eat.
  • “El desayuno” – breakfast
  • “El almuerzo” – lunch
  • “La cena” – dinner
  • “La merienda” – snack
  • “La comida” – food
  • “El cereal” – cereal
  • “La hamburguesa” – hamburger
  • “La carne” – meat
  • “La carne de vaca” – beef
  • “La carne de cerdo” – pork
  • “El pollo” – chicken
  • “El pavo” – turkey
  • “El pescado” – fish
  • “El pan” – bread
  • “El arroz” – rice
  • “La tostada” – toast
  • “El queso” – cheese
  • “El yogur” – yogurt
  • “La bebida” – drink
  • “El agua” – water
  • “La leche” – milk
  • “El jugo/zumo” – juice
  • “El jugo de naranja” – orange juice
  • “Las frutas” – fruit
  • “La manzana” – apple
  • “La uva” – grape
  • “La pera” – pear
  • “La naranja” – orange
  • “La fresa” – strawberry
  • “El melocotón” – peach
  • “La cereza” – cherry
  • “El plátano” – banana
  • “Las verduras” – vegetables
  • “El champiñón” – mushroom
  • “La zanahoria” – carrot
  • “El tomate” – tomato
  • “El brócoli” – broccoli
  • “La cebolla” – onion
  • “El ajo” – garlic
  • “El pepino” – cucumber
  • “El pimiento” – pepper
  • “La lechuga” – lettuce
  • “El postre” – dessert
  • “El azúcar” – sugar
  • “El pastel” – cake
  • “La galleta” – cookie
  • “El helado” – ice cream

Easy Spanish Words – Household Objects

Objects around your house are great for kids to learn in Spanish because they’ll have visual cues to help kids remember the words whenever they’re at home. Here are some of the most common household objects and rooms in Spanish:

  • “La casa” – house
  • “La cocina” – kitchen
  • “La sala de estar” – living room
  • “La habitación” – bedroom
  • “El garaje” – garage
  • “El baño” – bathroom
  • “La sala de comer” – dining room
  • “El jardín” – garden/yard
  • “La ventana” – window
  • “La puerta” – door
  • “El piso” – floor
  • “Las escaleras” – stairs
  • “La silla” – chair
  • “La mesa” – table
  • “El teléfono” – phone
  • “El espejo” – mirror
  • “El reloj” – clock
  • “La ducha” – shower
  • “La bañera” – bathtub
  • “La toalla” – towel
  • “El jabón” – soap
  • “El cepillo de dientes” – toothbrush
  • “La pasta de dientes” – toothpaste
  • “El champú” – shampoo
  • “La cama” – bed
  • “La almohada” – pillow

Easy Spanish Words – Animals

What’s your child’s favorite animal? Teaching Spanish vocabulary for animals is fun and can help your child connect with their favorite animal even more. Here are some examples:

  • “El perro” – dog
  • “El gato” – cat
  • “El caballo” – horse
  • “El león” – lion
  • “El tigre” – tiger
  • “El zorro” – fox
  • “El oso” – bear
  • “El ratón” – mouse
  • “El cocodrilo” – crocodile
  • “El elefante” – elephant
  • “El jirafa” – giraffe
  • “El canguro” – kangaroo
  • “La mariposa” – butterfly
  • “El cabra” – goat
  • “La gallina”- chicken
  • “La vaca” – cow
  • “El cerdo” – pig
  • “El mono” – monkey
  • “El buho” – owl
  • “El conejo” – rabbit
  • “El murciélago” – bat
  • “La serpiente” – snake

How to memorize vocabulary words in Spanish fast

These Spanish vocabulary words are just the tip of the iceberg. Learning AND retaining new vocabulary words can be challenging, especially for kids. Fortunately, there are some tried and tested techniques that you can use to help your child memorize Spanish vocabulary quickly!

Spaced repetition

Spaced repetition is an excellent strategy for helping kids memorize Spanish words quickly without feeling overwhelmed. This technique involves spacing out the intervals between practice sessions so that children aren’t trying to learn all of the Spanish words at once. For example, you could start by reviewing the words every day, then once a week, and then maybe once a month.

Associating words with visuals

This technique is great for helping children remember new vocab in Spanish. Create visual representations of each word that your child can easily recall. For example, with common household items, you can post notes with Spanish words and stick them to objects around the house.

Listen and repeat

Have your child listen to Spanish TV shows, songs, and audio recordings, and then have them practice repeating new words out loud. You can also read Spanish children’s books and have them repeat the words after you.

Game time

There are lots of great, fun games that you can play with your child to help them learn new Spanish vocabulary words. Whether it’s a game of charades or an online memory game, incorporating Spanish words into your playtime can make learning Spanish as a family fun and engaging.

Visual flashcards

Use visual flashcards to test your child on the Spanish vocabulary lessons they’ve learned. Mix Spanish and English word cards and ask your child to match the Spanish words with their English translations.

Online Spanish lessons

Online Spanish lessons with a native-Spanish speaking teacher are also a great way to help your child learn Spanish. Through interactive activities, videos, and other resources, your child can expand their Spanish vocabulary quickly in the comfort of their home.

Try a free online Spanish lesson

At Bilingual Bebe, we offer online Spanish classes for kids ages 3-15. Our certified teachers design each class to be engaging and interactive, so your child can learn Spanish while having fun with a small group of peers! 

Want to see for yourself? Click here to get the first lesson for free!
